IOS provides frameworks that define particular sets of functionality from gaming and media to security and data management which you can integrate into your app. UIKit framework is used to design your app’s user interface and the Foundation framework to incorporate common data structures and behavior into your code. These are two of the most common frameworks used in iOS app development.

User Interface

1. UI Kit – Its classes allow you create a touch based user interface. Because all iOS apps are based on UIKit, you can’t ship an app without this framework. It gives the infrastructure for drawing to the screen, handling events and creating common user interface elements. UIKit also arranges a complex app by organizing the content that’s showed on the screen.

2. Core Graphics

It is a low level, C based framework. It is the workhorse for handling high quality vector graphics, path based drawing, transformations, images, data management and more. The easiest and most efficient way to create graphics in iOS is to use prerendered images with the standard views and controls of the UIKit framework. Because UIKit is a higher-level framework which also provides classes for custom drawing including paths, colors, patterns, gradients, images, text, and transformations.